Carla Dauden
Carla Dauden, an accomplished director hailing from Brazil, currently based in Los Angeles, employs a narrative-driven filmmaking style that skillfully weaves together human stories with a stylish and cinematic approach. With a comprehensive background that encompasses almost every role on set, Carla possesses a holistic understanding of the filmmaking process, enabling her to bring any concept to life. Carla approaches filmmaking as an opportunity to create a social impact, and empower empathy. She has a wealth of experience working with children, and has an innate ability to capture authentic performances from kids and adults alike. In 2019, her campaign for Disney's ‘Team of Heroes’ was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award. In addition to her commercial work, Carla has also directed episodic television, most recently for the critically acclaimed TV show, Good Trouble, further expanding her versatile repertoire.